Thursday, December 16, 2010

X'mas cake 

I was gonna upload this video next week but cookingwithdog has just uploaded the same Xmas cake video. That's one thing I've been worrying about. My version of  X'mas cake video is just like cookingwithdog's one even thouh mine doesn't look as good as cookingwithdog's(The video has already been recorded). That's just bad timing. So I hope you all understand the situation as I attach the photo of my X'mas cake on this blog :)

So people who will give me request, try not to order the same one as them. There are too many requests which cookingwithdog has already made before...May be I should think about something different way to entertain my videos next year. If any of you have a good idea, let me know!




  1. Oh Taro, that's a shame! I still think you should upload it, as your cooking style is much more realistic and therefore easier to follow compared to CWD.

    Maybe you can make Japanised versions of other recipes? Or try making different Christmas food of other nationalities?

    Love your work-keep it up ^_^

  2. I find your style of cooking easier and more entertaining then cooking with dogs. Plus I love Taro, that you really enjoy the food after cooking the dish.

    happy holidays.

  3. You should make more vlogs! I liked watching your older videos :)

  4. I'd rather watch you eat cake instead of cooking with dog chef. Her bites are tooooo small!! Who eats like that??

  5. I would still love to see this video and watch you eat big bites at the end!

  6. I was very happy when I saw the cake's picture

    So I hope to see the full video.

    you make everything easy

    the first time I cooked Japanese food because of your easy recipe

    I really want to see your version

    Thanks for all your hard work

  7. This post has really made me sad! I must admit that it was that got me into Japanese cooking, but their videos seem so sophisticated that they actually intimidate me from trying their recipes. Also, they use specialised ingredients that I can never find here... So I was very happy when I discovered your videos and the simple way in which you explain recipes and use accessible ingredients. For instance, if I ever summon my courage to cook okonomiyaki, you can bet I'll be using your approach!
    Please cheer up and continue to make the funny videos that everybody loves! You really brighten up our days!

  8. あなたに神を愛しています。聖書を読んでください。

  9. めっちゃ美味しそうなケーキ!!! スイーツLOVEな私にはもうたまらない画像です(笑)

  10. I love your videos because they're so funny and helpful but simplistic at the same time! I think you should upload your video. There are so multiple versions of everything on youtube, who cares if you repeat? Anyway, I'm interested in seeing your video! Keep up the good work and have a nice holiday :)!

  11. Don't compare yourself with cooking with dog. Both of you are great channels and it's not a shame, when you cook the same things some times. It's interesting to see, because it's also a prove, that the recipe is really authentic. In that way it will encourage me more to try myself. And btw. I love your video-style! I think it's very funny to see how you prepared all the yummy things and how you eat it ^^ I also like all the variation-tips you give for example the pizza-spring-roll! Fantastic! Don't be sad! I want to see how you made the christmas cake! :D I hope it's gonna be a great new year with lots of cool recipes from runny's kitchen!

  12. Yes, please upload the full video or the recipe here. CWD uses cake flour, which I can't find in stores (U.S.). Maybe you used all purpose flour or something different that I can find here? ^^" Please consider posting the recipe (if not the full video)! Thank you much!

    Don't worry about us thinking you copied CWD's recipe. CWD is a great channel, and yours too. We know you know how to cook, do don't think too much. ;)

  13. you should post it up anyway, runny! i love both your channels but i enjoy them in a different way, so i wouldn't mind seeing the same thing cooked twice at all - it's just a different perspective. besides, when i really want to learn to make something, i search for and watch many different recipes on youtube anyway! post it!!! don't let this discourage you!

  14. B... but... I prefer your videeeoooos!! Cookingwithdog is too serious! (plus i kinda disagree having a dog on a kitchen table). Don't stop posting recipes!!
