Friday, January 17, 2014

People who I should love more もっとわかれよ、俺

この数ヶ月で色々あって、色々考えたりしてたらいつの間にか色んな人にお世話になってた。人間なら誰にでもありがとうという気持ちが芽生えるものだと思う。ありがとうという気持ちを言葉で伝えることってできるのかなぁ?いや、普通にできるだろうが 笑 えっと、、、どうやってやんだっけ?

とまぁ、皆さんは今までそんな状況に陥ったことなかったですか?意味わからないって?ちょっと難しいか 笑

In the past a few months, a lot of things have happened and I've spent time to think.  In the process, I noticed that I've met many people who I really should '' THANK YOU '' only in the past a few months. I know we all have appreciation in our mind when we need to. So how can I really tell people my true-appreciation? I think i's easy to do, isn't it? But do I do it...?

Have you ever gotten yourself into this kind of situation? You don't really get what I'm trying to say, do you? Maybe it's just me lol


  1. i think we all know what you mean. its like people have done so much for you that you feel that a thank you isnt enough to show how much you appreciated their help. I think we've all experience that before. i say just let them know how much their help meant to you. sometimes a simple thank you and a hug is all that is needed. but if you want to go the extra mile then do something nice that you know how to do. be it cooking a meal that they never had before or just doing something nice.
