Sunday, October 24, 2010
ボビーの料理教室で英語を学ぶ Bobbyjudo's kitchen
What bothers me when editing a video is my ''ENGLISH'' speaking skill besides cooking skill. Everytime I edit a cooking video, I tend to have something which I can't figure out how I should say in English. In that respect, cookingwithdog is doing really good job besides cooking. May be that's the another reason that I can never catch up them. Come to think of it, bobbyjudo is doing the same thing in Japanese. He usually speaks in Japanese in his cooking videos with English translation. Why didn't I notice this fact by now? I should have noticed this earlier. I surely can learn many English lines from his videos. So I've started watching all his videos again and I take a note when I find some sentences which I think it's useful for my future video. So It could be bobbyjudo's line whenever you see me explaining in a good English sentences in my future video :)
Thanks to Jeff for sharing wonderful recipies and adding English annotations!
ビデオ編集してると料理の技術以外に自分の英会話スキルで悩まされる。どのように英語で表現したらいいのかわからなくなる事が多々ある。そういった点で、cookingwithdogは料理以外でもさすが。これもまたcookingwithdogに全然追いつけない要因かも。そういえばbobbyjudo(ジェフ)は日本語で同じような事してたっけ。彼の料理ビデオではたいてい英語注釈付きで日本語で説明してる。なんで今まで気づかなかったのか。もっと早い時期に気づくべきだった。彼のビデオから(料理だけじゃなく)色んな英語の使い方を学べるはず。そんなわけで最近はボビーの料理教室を見直しながら気になった英語注釈があればメモするようにしてる。きっと役に立つ日も来るでしょう。この先自分の料理ビデオで、【らしい英語】で説明してる時があったらボビーの料理教室で学んだ「英語」かもしれません ^^
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Fake moon cake 月餅?
Moon cake in Japan? It looks just like the one which I got from fmy friend in Hong Kong. And it's also press embossing and says ''月餅'' (moon cake) on surface. I remember the moon cake that I enjoyed in the earlier video has something salted egg york inside but...
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