Sunday, April 26, 2015

A natural-born worrier 起こしてくれ

This is how I wake up early for work. I just hate to be late lol It may be too much...,




Saturday, April 18, 2015

SAKURA ironic

SAKURA in my home town. Unfortunately I always get sick at this season when SAKURA is full bloomed. I might have something allergy of pollen dust from SAKURA. 2 years ago, I called ambulance. And this year, I took 2 days off from work.... But it doesn't mean I need to stay away from SAKURA season. I love to see SAKURA tree...How ironic....



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Not a chance まだまだ

I turned into 42 yesterday! WTF !? In general thoughts, I'm supposed to be responsible for educating young generation to become good citizens or something...right? Am I already? hmmm....Nope. Well I still have a lot to learn.



Saturday, April 4, 2015

Music and Life

This is Aiemu 1st album & mini album. Apparently they have been around in another band. So I guess Aiemu should be something special unit for a limited time. But anyway, I'm into their music now. Their music just made me realize there were so many underrated people in the world.


Aiko & D.A.I. I love the song ''Kabutomushi'' from Aiko. That's the only song I know from her lol But I know every time I listen the song, I just keep repeating the song over and over again. As for D.A.I, I love her voice when she sings. My favorite song from D.A.I is always ''Hi no ataru sakamichi''. But I have to admit that I was just fascinated with her besides her voice lol

AikoとDo as infinityです。Aikoのカブトムシは今でもよく聴いてます。聞き出すとリピートで聴いちゃうくらい好きです。彼女の詩はこの曲しか知らないんだけど 笑 Do as infinityは伴都美子の歌声がめちゃくちゃ好きでハマった。 「日のあたる坂道」 が一番好き。ぶっちゃけ伴都美子が綺麗だから好きになったみたいな...笑

Goo Goo Dolls & American Hi-Fi. I still listen their songs. A song called ''Name''(1995) from Goo Goo Dolls have been my all time favorite song. I first heard this song from car radio when I was exchange student in US, I was instantly stricken. Fadeless song.


Hard Rock & Heavy Meta was first Western music l started listening. These are some bands I was listening when I was 13 ~ early 20's. 90's music is still my favorite music scene regardless of genre.


So what kind of music you loved before or you love now? What does music effect your life? I think music is the breath of life for our life. You must have lots of memories no matter what you like or dislike.
