Friday, May 30, 2014

My viewers' kitchen ep2 視聴者さんの台所 其の2

This is made by one of my viewers ''Yukiko'' 
Matcha marble bread 抹茶マーブルパン


One of my viewers ''Yukiko'' made my matcha marble bread. She made it look better than mine lol oh well...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My viewers' kitchen ep1 視聴者さんの台所 其の1


KOKO from Twitter remade My rice burger which was uploaded Dec 2011. In this video, HIKAKIN as a requester was outstanding. I actually loved the intro by Hikakin. And also in the end, my viewers from all over the world shout out for HIKAKIN. I remembered how I enjoyed making this video with everyone. One of greatest memory in my YouTube activities.

こちらもTwitterからWidiastutyさんが2013年9月にアップした何でもいいから丼 を再現してくれました。このビデオでのリクエスターはKisaという特殊メイクを得意とする彼もまたYouTubeの動画配信者です。runnyの料理以上に彼のメイクが反響を呼んだ動画でもありました。こんな猫にもなっちゃいます。

Widiastuty also from Twitter remade my random plate which was uploaded on Sept 2013. In this video, Kisa as a requester actually got more reputation than my dish. Kisa also has his own channel. What he does is make-up. But not just make-up. Check out human cat.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The best Chocolate I've ever had so far 甘党上等かかってこい

いつものWerther's Originalの飴と思い購入したらチョコだった。やっちゃったと思いながらも一つ食べてみたら超美味い!なのでおすすめ。Godivaなんてどうでもいいくらい美味しい。あまりにも美味しかったのでブログった。見つけたら買ってみてね。これドイツ語?

I bought this candy like any other day. I thought it was just Werther's Original which I think it's caramel candy(hard type). But it was actually chocolate. But this one is so good! Get one everyone! ***k Godiva! It was too good for me to not to blog. btw are they written in German?


Monday, May 26, 2014

Back to cooking videos! 再始動!



I was taking a good care of myself from a hustle-bustle lifestyle. But it's time to shoot cooking videos again! I think I'm going to make videos as much as I can before leaving Japan next month. I plan to have one cooking video a week in the future. So my viewers, I can see you all at least on June!

It's 1 am already! Night!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Work, YouTube, and World Cup / 仕事とYouTubeとW杯と


と言っても・・・6月後半から数ヶ月はサンディエゴのカールスバッドという町へ。最近では山火事でニュースに取り上げられてたリゾートっぽい都市。そこに滞在している間に時間があればLAのサンタモニカでお世話になった人や友人を訪問したい。LAまでは距離的に車で2~3時間で行けるだろう。そいやLA、車と言えば・・・。LAのフリーウェイではスピード狂と化すドライバーが多いので、安全運転をしたいならLAでは運転しないほうがいい。短気な人は絶対にLAでは運転しないこと 笑



 I've reached a stage where I can take some rest. Now I can finally concentrate on making cooking videos on YouTube again!

But again... I'll be gone to Carlsbad, San Diego on business trip from the end of June. Carlsbad is where they've had forest fires recently. While staying there, I want to visit my friends and people who took a good care of me in Santa Monica.  I think it only takes a few hours drive from Carlsbad to L.A.  oh...L.A and cars....come to think of it....You'd better not drive in LA if you are safety-driver because there are many drivers who easily turn into speed freak especially on freeway. If you think you have short temper, forget driving in LA.

About my activities of YouTube while I'm away from Japan, I don't think I can make cooking videos. So I'm thinking of doing something else to share with my viewers. I'll keep you all informed.

One more thing I'm worrying is that I can't watch World Cup game from semi final to the final on TV. Soccer is not that popular in US as it is here in Japan or as in EU. I don't think it'll be live broadcast on TV in US.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Take it easy? F**k it 冗談ですやん


I still haven't been informed when and where will be destination for a business trip. Do your job quick and responsive. I never want to say such thing to my client. But when I'm placed in a stressful environment like this, I just want to break their nose... Is this typical Japanese bad habit or my bad habit?