Monday, January 13, 2014

I respect all moms in the world お母さんしてる人


So I've been staying in someone's house in US for a month by now. I sometimes cook dinner for them. They are a family of four. So I have to prepare for 5 people (including me). I do cook myself when I'm in Japan, but not for 5 people. I usually cook for serving 2. What I always realize every time I cook for this lovely family is that it's not that easy for me to prepare for 5 people. It is different. It can be super difficult to prepare depending on what you cook for 4, 5, 6,.... people. But still some housewives do that every day. Well I just thought I had to give all housewives  credit for their hard-work. Respect.



  1. 難しくなるね。。。
    it can become difficult hu? (o -- o;)?

  2. I always have the opposite problem. Most cookbook recipes are for 4-6 servings, and I have trouble figuring out how to cut them down for just me.

    1. It's not that difficult for me about the amount changing but difficult to handle the timing if you make several dishes at the same time.I think food like curry rice is easy to make no matter how many serving. It depends on what you cook, you know...

  3. I get proper stressed when I have to cook for my family. So much hassle for something that takes 30mins to make, 30 seconds to eat.
    Alot of food that you make requires alot of pre-preparation. That's why most big families use blenders and mixers to speed up the process. Have you ever considered using a blende?,runny. :)

  4. it can be really hard at times to figure out healthy and cost friendly meals for my family..thanx for for saying you respect us moms thats really thoughtful :)

    1. I mean I just never cooked like that before so I kinda felt it's not that easy :)

  5. I miss u runny...take care....;-)

  6. im waiting for ur next recipies runy.. :) i hope u can enjoy ur day in us..

  7. Taro, I came from a big family. So when I first lived on my own I would cook so much food I would end up throwing much of it away. It took a long time to finally cook smaller portions without accidentally cooking it or using too big a pot or pan.

  8. I have 3 problems.

    1.I pretty much live alone and it's kinda hard to scale down the recipe if it was some finicky dessert and if i fail it, chances I have to toss it away or eat it for entire week which is yuck ew ( Before that I didn't own the scale so using american volume recipe is pain the
    neck, really )

    2.Stimes when I have my friends visit, not gonna brag but I cook pretty decent dishes but I'm like a snail in the kitchen, it literally took me 5 hours to put up like 2 or 3 dishes T_T and also, the cleaning part.I don't even want to think about that.No wonder mom always scream at me whenever I use her kitchen.It's like battle in there.

    3.I fawn over recipes for hours and hours on the internet, then being totally dazzled and confused what should I could and which recipes I should use and end up not cooking anything and having instant ramen instead.

    So mad props to our mom who spends long ass hours at work and still cook for us
