Sunday, May 23, 2010

Humor ユーモア

Hmmm...Trying to make people laugh with humor is still not that easy for me. That makes people more  confused than the humor just like I do on my bulletin board. I need more twists! If those people who reads my bulletin board were Japanese, it'd be easier to be understood as a joke. This is one thing I think it's interesting to see the difference of sense of humor between us. Like hollywood movie, there are so many dialog which has humor going on for sure. Sometimes I get it, but sometimes I don't get it. I wonder if any Westerners have the same trouble with the difference as I do.



  1. where's your bulletin board?

  2. I meant recent activity board.

  3. you sound sad because of the remark. :( Dont be, it is impossible to please everbody always. You do a great job!!!

  4. No, I'm not sad. It's just good to know that I should have not said ''It's so gay''. I will say ''It's so stupid'' next time. This is also how I can learn English.

  5. Well done Taro!
    Sometimes people don't understand the humor on the dialogue because of different culture. Body language is an easy way to deliver the messages with humor. Perhaps you can get some more idea in commercials from different countries.
    Keep on the excel­lent work! : P

  6. it's ok, this is how to learn a new language, or anything else.. you have to go through mistakes. being a non-native english speaker myself, I've made many mistakes like that before. I enjoy your videos very much, recently discovered your channel on youtube. i'm going back to watch your older ones when I have time. Thank you and keep up the good work!

  7. I definitely understand where you're coming from. I'm currently learning Japanese and I've started to watch some Japanese comedy programs on YouTube with English subtitles. They're super funny but sometimes I won't get a joke so I'll have to find out what it means by reading others comments or if the person who posted the video clarified it for us non-Japanese speakers. It's crazy how different cultures view humor and have such different ways of being funny. If you don't understand a joke or a humorous scene in a movie, etc. you should post it on this blog so then English speakers can help you out and explain what they mean. Or maybe post a video on your youtube and people can reply. Then you can start learning more about Western humor or what the English equivalent to a Japanese joke is. If you need help ask and I'll help! : )

  8. I think you do a pretty good job at making us laugh in your videos. I understand how hard it is to translate humor into another language. I speak English and Spanish. I usually avoid trying to translate or explain a joke in English that was meant to be told in Spanish. It just never works.

  9. I think your funny!! And I appreciate your effort, but you don't need to worry so much!
