Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sweets every day.... 毎日スイーツ

 I get sweets on break time at work almost every day.  Most of time, our boss gets us some sweets from sweets shop or convenience store. It's good time but I think I've been having too much sweets recently. Besides this, I often take chocolate while I'm working because it's easy to get tired. Glucose take away my tired. But it's just too much sometime. Like today, my co- worker brought some her original cheese cake And also our boss brought some sweets as always. So we had two different sweets for break time. That was definitely too much even for me.  I am gaining. I'm dying to go runnying again.



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy holiday everyone!

About Christmas cake, the most popular one in Japan is decorative strawberry shortcake.  Yes we can  get strawberry at grocery store even on winter season. Many people from America left comment that said their Christmas cake was fruit cake. And apparently it's not good....? Really? It sounds just good to me though.... I'm not sure if I have ever seen the fruit cake before.

How do you get excited when X'mas coming? I'm almost 40 mid age man but I still like the mood...;;;;; lol  I know we Japanese are buddist but we still celebrate Western holiday.... but in many various ways (Young people)...LOL I think we just like to soak up the atmosphere of Christmas mood even though some of us don't even know.Dec 25th is the birthday of Jesus Christ.  The country of Japan, it's even funny to me.



Sunday, November 27, 2011

ngswcook & me 長澤家の実力につうこんの一撃

How many of you know this YouTube user by the name of '' ngswcook '' ? Seriously his foods were amazing... Reeeeally.....It's ironic that he's not as popular as my channel lol This proves it's not always how you are well on cooking to be more popular on YouTube, it's how you make the video...  If I can always make foods like his, and I'm pretty sure that I can be a real YouTube celebrity in no time. That's why I do some stupid things in the video. Because that even helps. At the moment, sadly that's the only way for me to keep my popularity... 

btw it's 2 am here... Good night....zzzzzzz

YouTubeのngswcookというチャンネルを知ってる人はどれほどいるかな?彼の作る料理は感動すら覚えるほど。 マジです。皮肉な話、彼のチャンネルは僕のより登録者が少ないのです。YouTubeではどんなに料理の腕があっても、動画製作に於いての力の入れようで逆転してしまう。もし僕が彼のような料理の腕前があったなら、YouTubeですぐに名声を挙げれるだろう。それを補うために僕はビデオではバカでいる。悲しいかな、今のとこそれしか方法はない。


Sunday, November 13, 2011



Snoopy  スヌーピー

Today was 100 yen donuts day at Mister Donuts.  During the campaign, they give you Snoopy notbook for only 300 yen if you spend more than 700 yen.


So this means you get 7 kinds of 100 yen dunuts, then you can get Snoopy's note book only for 300 yen. I started wondering if it's really the best deal after I got them... 300 yen just for Snoiopy's notbook? Do I ever need Snoopy's item? lol  I just have week spot for whatever campaign being held ?


Aside from this, I just found Snoopy's coffee creamer in my Kitchen ...

I'm not snoopy's freak though...

                ( ´________`;)


Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am Taro 俺は太郎さ

                     金太郎 Kin-Taro

Kintarō often translated as "Golden Boy" is a folk hero from Japanese folklore.

                             桃太郎  Momo Taro

His name literally means Peach Tarō; as Tarō is a common Japanese boy's name, it is often translated as Peach Boy. Momotarō is also the title of various books, films, and other works that portray the tale of this hero.

                     ウルトラマンタロウ Ultraman Taro
Urutoraman Tarō is the title superhero of Japanese TV show.

Yes, I am legendary hero. My name is Taro.




Monday, October 10, 2011

Comment from someone in my earlier video こんなコメントもらったよ

Is this Comment for encouragement? or just comment of sarcasm? LOL

   ↓   ↓   ↓
Never mind about your crepe hair.
Balding is evidence growing as a male.

はげは男として成長している あかしです。
   ↑      ↑   ↑  

I'll take this comment as a big compliment! ^o^/

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apple りんご

 This time of year, apple always brings me Autumn. This apple is San-Tsugaru which is harvested in the end of August to the middle of Sept. Every year in this season, I have these apples. I love them much better than Fuji. Do you have your favorite variety of apples?


Sunday, September 25, 2011

I can't finish it... 終わんねーよ・・・

I've been working on editing . It doesn't seem like I can finish...I'm so YouTube nerd now ^^;


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Giveaway プレゼント

 What would you like to recieve if I giveaway something this time? What I was thinking is...

Some Japanese-twist key holder / Cell phone strap / Japanese foods sample made of wax / RR999's Original kitchen wear (apron) / うんこ

Any other idea?


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Strange dream part2 どうでもいい話 其の二

 I had another strange dream when I was sleeping in the train. It wasn't bad but it makes me sad a little. But I can't find a reason why I think it makes me sad. That's why I think dream is strange.

 That dream was like this. I don't know why it seemed like I bought a new house and it was kinda big. And Many people came visit to my house and having drink and foods. Who were them...? I'm not really sure...I don't remember clealy at that point. But there were some youtube fellow and my old friends. There was a bar at first floor in my house LOL People who looks musician are drinking there. And I found one letter when I went up stairs. It said that ''Taro! Don't do it too much! or I'll kill you!'' .... In this dream, the letter was taken as a joke. Because I  knew why I got this letter & who wrote it. But I don't know why I kew why lol  Everything makes sense in dream, but no make sense in real.  So this letter actually made me happy. Because I guess I really like the person who wrote it.  And then I met my old friend who I've been wondering how he's been. He was twin!(In real, he's not) So I didn't know which one I had to talk to.  And....Guess what... He just called me when I woke up and got off the train! LOL That call made me wonder whether I was still in dream or not. It's been several years since I hang out with him last time. So we talked on the phone that we're gonna drink together after work in the near future for the first time in a long time. I know this guy since elementary school. So... this is pretty much about my another strange dream...I don't know if you understand clealy what I'm actually saying.  But thanks for letting me kill your time lol 

btw the recipe for the picture above.
: Buy it.


 夢はこんな感じ。何故だかわからないけど、けっこう大きい家購入したみたい。たくさんの人が遊びに来てて、飲み食いしてた。誰かって?そこはあまりはっきりとは覚えてないかな。でもYouTubeの仲間や幼馴染の友人がいた。1階はバーになってた(笑)。ミュージシャンみたいな人達が飲んでた。2階へ あがった時に1通の手紙を見つけた。そこには 「太郎!ほどほどにしとけ!殺すぞ!」 って書いてあった。夢の中ではその内容は冗談として捉えられてた。何故こんな手紙をもらったのか、誰が書いたのか、わかってたから。でも何故わかってたのかはわからない。夢の中では、その全てが理にかなってたりするけど、現実ではちんぷんかんぷんだ。手紙は嬉しいものだった。その人のことが大好きなんだろう。その後、最近どうしてんだろうと気になってた幼馴染の友人にも夢で会えた。お前双子だったのかよ!(現実では違うけど)。どっちに話しかけたらいいのかわからなかった。なんと目が覚めて電車から降りた時にその彼本人からの着信!(可笑) まだ夢の中なのか現実なのかわからなくなったくらい。しばらく彼とは会ってなかった。近いうち久しぶりにお互い会社帰りにでも飲もうということで話は落ち着いた。彼とは小学校以来の幼馴染。とまぁ見た夢はこんな感じ。何言ってるかよくわからなかったかもしれないね。皆の貴重な時間を潰させてもらえてこっちは楽しかった(笑)

: 買いに行け。


Monday, August 15, 2011

A dream I just had どうでもいい話

  I just had dream about 30 minutes ago. I'm typing this at almost 2 am now. I try not to use air conditioner when I sleep. But no way, I can't stand this sweltering night any more.

  So anyway,  dream I just had was like this. I was doing the dishes in my kitchen. I realized my dish detergent was out . So I was having hard time to keep doing the dishes.  But I still had lots more to go... And also I had to do it under running hot water because there was no tap water. And at this point, I woke up....Maybe hot water in a dream woke me up to the reality of sweltering night. As soon as I woke up, I went to kitchen to see if dish detergent was actually out. It was plenty! I was so happy LOL I know it's strange to be happy like that , but I don't know why  I was so glad that I still had enough dish detergent in my kitchen LOL I think it's because it was really hard to do the dishes without it even in a dream...  Just like this, sometimes I do feel relieved by waking to reality. And vice versa.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

I was hungry before it's ready :( さっきはお腹空いてたはずなのに。

It's been a while since last time I had omurice. Suddenly I got hungry for it. So I made it for my lunch today. Does this also happen to you? You were hungry for something and you actually start cooking for yourself. But then you realize that you're not hungry any more when it's ready to eat. This happens to me all the time... :( I don't think I often take a taste of  the food I'm cooking... I get full stomach just by cooking? Mistery and Mistery...


Saturday, July 9, 2011

「俺の」 sweets series at family mart convenience store

「俺のクレープ」  MY crepe
「俺のエクレア」  MY eclair

俺(ore) - Me
俺の(ore no) - My

俺(ore) stands for ''me'' but more in manly way to say it.  So these tasted a little bitter :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


How to make anko (あんこの作り方はここで)

Other than anko, all you need is glutinous rice(Mochi kome) or you can also add normal rice (10%-20% of glutinous rice). You may want to mash the rice a little when it's cooked. It's up to you.
Don't forget to have green tea :)



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lightly seasoned food さっぱり味

 Some oyster sauce, lemon juice, and any kinds of soup stock (I only have chicken in my kitchen), mix them and pour onto the noodle when you stir-fry the noodle and some vegetables. It gives this food light and simple taste :) Salt or more lemon juice to taste. If you feel it doesn't boost your appetite, you can add whatever seasonings you like to try.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Brand effect ブランドがもたらす変則的効力 (But that's just me)

 I've seen many young people(even junior high students) have Louis Vuitton bag or purse in Japan. This has already become one of our culture which we see young generation walking in the street with super brand goods as if they are celebrity.  I don't complain at all. Everyone has their sense of value. Do what they like to do. But why Louis Vuitton? I like young girls with Coach much better than Louis Vuitton. And on the other hand, oddly enough, I get strange feeling when I see ladies (over 40 years old something) walking in the street with Coach brand. I don't know why I want them to have Louis Vitton or may be  birkin from Hermes  othen than Coach lol  So.. to me, Louis Vuitton is for older people and Coach or some other brand like Balenciaga, Chloe..(Thsese two brands look all same to me anyway...) is for young people. Especially, I really think Coach still look pretty nice to young people even though they are under 18... Why I wrote this blog? Because I saw one young girl who looks 12 years old walking in the street with holding Louis Vuitton bag today... It was totally OUT OF TUNE _ _ ;

 日本では中学生の男でさえ今ではヴィトンの財布などを所有してる。 若い世代がスーパーブランド品で着飾ってまるでセレブのように街を歩く姿は、すでにひとつの日本の文化になってるかもしれない。 別にいいけど。だれにでも価値観はある。 好きなことしたらいい。でもなんでヴィトン?コーチの方がいくない?それとは逆に, おばさん連中がコーチ持ってたりすると、なんだか妙に違う気がしてしまう。中高年層こそヴィトンじゃないの?若い世代はコーチやらバレンシアガやらクロエやら・・・(後者2つのブランドは見分けつかん)。特に個人的にはコーチは普通に可愛いいなと思う。未成年でも可愛いんじゃないかな。なんでこんなブログ書いたかって?実は今日小学生くらいの子がビトンのバッグぶら下げて歩いてるのを見かけた。さすがにこれには驚いた。調和もくそもあったもんじゃなかった _ _ ;

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tom, Dick and Harry ごく普通のおっさんです 

  I want to vent a little today. I don't know why sometimes people think I'm a little special person like having a successful life.. Is that because of my videos? What made you think I was? For example, on youtube, may be I act like I'm not like everyone else in the video(I do not mean to) but I am just a Tom, Dick and Harry. I think I always try not to show myself like ''I am special'' in my videos but still some people tend to think I am a little special like they want to be like me. Actually,THIS HAPPENS TO ME IN REAL LIFE, too...To be honest, it kinda annoys me...I've never felt happy so far. But come to think of it, if I have to answer what the reason is for this, I think it's something to do with my behave? May be? Where is the answer...Only god knows?...

Don't overvalue runnyrunny xD

今日はちょっと愚痴りたい。何故だかわからないんだけど、僕は周りの人に特別扱いされてしまう時が多々ある。ビデオのせいかな?何でそうなるんだろう。例えばYoutubeのビデオでなんかは無意識にそんなふうに振舞ってる自分がいるのかもしれないけど、僕は何等普通の人間。ビデオでもそういうとこ見せないように気をつけてるつもりなんだけど、未だにそう思われてしまう事がある。また 私生活でも同じ だったりする。ぶっちゃけ鬱陶しい。嬉しくなんかない。でも考えてみると、その原因ってやっぱ自分にあるんじゃないかと。たぶんそうだと思う。

僕は腐ったみかん xD


Monday, April 18, 2011

5 minutes cooking 5分料理

: 78 yen(about 80 cents) salmon (Doesn't need to be the same price lol)
: Shimeji mushrooms

- Sauce A -
: Some grated ginger
: Some top onion or green onion
: 2 tsp lemon juice
: 1 tsp sugar
: 2 tbsp soy sauce or ponzu

Just stir fry salmon and shimeji mushrooms. Mix all those  A- ingredients. And pour onto salom. That's it :) Delicious!



Saturday, April 9, 2011


What can I say.... We should be prould of what we have here...


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A coin jar 貯金箱

I found this coin jar which I used to use when I was high school student.

I should bring this to new place. I will try to save some money in here everytime I get change.

Let's see how much money I can make.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Packing every night 毎晩荷作り

One poor panda is upside down...I didn't mean to...


Monday, February 28, 2011

Back to the spirit in which I started 初心に帰る

 I beleve most of you who reads this came from my youtube channel. Because of your support, my channel is getting bigger and bigger every day! Over 35,000 subs?! I have come this far because of you. These change always reminds me not to forget the enthusiasm I had at the begining. It's important on everything.

 このブログ読者のほとんどが僕のyoutubeチャンネルから来た人達でしょう。おかげさまでチャンネルがどんどん大きくなってます。チャンネル登録者が35,000超え!?今の自分があるのはみな様のおかげです。こういった変化が 初心に帰る という事をいつも思い出させてくれる。全てにおいて重要なことですね。

Friday, February 18, 2011

Simple doubt in daily life 素朴な疑問

Japanese famous ice cream ''lady borden''. I know what lady means but borden in this name... I just wonder what is the origin of this name.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

See Saw Game / She So Cute / She Can Cook  

Because it has a nice ring... Just watch it.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Salmon tomato rice 即興料理が面白い

: 4 Salmon
: Carrot
: Onion
: Can tomato
: Mushroom
: White wine
: Garlic olive oil
: Honey
: Persley

Put some garlic olive oil on salmon and put it in oven. Cut carrot, onion and mushrooms into the size you like and stir fly until the carrot becomes tender enough. Then add tomato sauce , white wine and simmer until the alcohole is gone. Take out the salmon from the oven and put them in tomato sauce. Cover with lid and simmer. Put some honey to taste(Only if you need) Put some rice on a plate and serve over salmon with tomato sauce. Lastly sprinkle some chopped persley. Enjoy^0^/

Q: How do you say ''即興料理'' in English? Improvised cooking? Ad-lib cooking? Jam cooking?

鮭にオリーブオイル(ガーリックに漬け込んでたものでもいい)を全体に塗って、オーブンで焼く。他の材料は適当に切ったら人参が柔らかくなるまで炒める。そこにトマト缶と白ワインを入れてアルコール分が飛ぶまで煮込む。鮭をオーブンから取り出したら蓋をして一緒に煮込む。味見して酸っぱいようなら蜂蜜をちょっと入れてみる(必要ならば)。 お皿にご飯を持ってその上に鮭を置きトマトソースをかける。最後にみじん切りのパセリをふって完成。うまいよ!

Q: 即興料理って英語でなんて言うのだろう?(素朴な疑問)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deep FLIED fRy ハエフライ

Would you like some Bon Jour?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cell phone or smart phone? 携帯かスマートフォンか

This is my cell phone which I've been using for 2 years. Obviously it's been stumped by my foot. It's still working good though. May be it's time to buy a new cell phone. But I was thinking getting smart phone this time. Anyone who has smart phone, do you only use smart phone? or you also have cell phone besides that? The problem is I don't really know much about what smart phone can do. And I'm afraid if I can get comfortable with using it. I'm trying to keep up with Joneses this year.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Brings back memory 思い出ぽろぽろ

This video from yuichituba brings back memory. About 18 years ago, when I was college student in TX, USA, I had chance to visit my friend in LA on summer vacation. I stayed in LA for about 2 months. But I need a little money to play around LA life so I decided to work somehow to make some money. I was hired by some Japanese restaurant at Little Tokyo in down town LA(Well I was not supposed to work...I only had student visa lol). I made about 2,000 dollars in 2 months as waiter. Sometimes some real rich American just gave me huge extra tip like 200$! I was wondering why she gave me that much extra tip. My boss told me she was opera singer...:p Opera singers ROCK! xD

Thanks to yuichituba for sharing this video!
