Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I had so strange day today. Everything went wrong. But I know I didn't do anything wrong. But still it went wrong all the way. Life.



Monday, November 24, 2014

Hidden speciality from my hometown 地元の名産品でない名産品

These guys are always the best item to enjoy with straight or black coffee.Hidden specialities from my hometown.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Global Name

                                                                 Finland / Japan / Greece
                                                                   Tero  /  Taro  / Maro

Monday, August 25, 2014

Professional touch 美味い  

パンナコッタのレシピもクリームブリュレのレシピも動画にしてアップしたことあるけど、やっぱプロのスイーツを食べちゃうと動画削除したくなるくらいに美味い 笑

I have uploaded Panna Cotta video recipe, and also Crème brulée video recipe. But I even feel that I have to delete those videos after I had real one from pro lol   Sweets from executive chef are amazing. No doubt about it.

Panna Cotta パンナコッタ 

 Crème brulée クリームブリュレ

Cafe at La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla. I didnt belong to the

Monday, August 11, 2014

Blog of This & That あれこれブログ




電車の席で隣に座ってきた中年のおばさんの話。細身のワンピースを着たちょいセクシーな金髪のおばさん。若い時はちやほやされてた感たっぷり。香水の香りもなかなか。でも何か別の香りもした。アルコールのにおいだ。このおばさん、ワインのようなものを飲みながら完全に酔っ払ってやがる。「あなたどこ行くの?」「どこに住んでるの?」「何してる人?」色々と質問される度にアルコールの匂いがプンプン。けっこうきれいな人だったから不思議とショックだったりした 笑 そのおばさんがイメージする日本人像はこうだ。『ルールに従う国民』だって。酔っぱらいながらも、一応日本人の僕を立ててくれた 笑  


Actually my laptop was broken. I couldnt update blog. But fortunately my friends friend know how to solve it. He used to work at repair company as engineer. So its been fixed however I still have trouble with the new key boad typing. It maybe US version now. But thanks to my friends friend!    

For that reason, I have some itty-bitty episodes from my absence.

Episode. 1. 
I bought 80 dollars bike at WALMART. I also bought 12 dollars wire-lock for the bike. So the total cost was about 92 dollars. I went to beach. I was swimming while my bike key was in my pocket. It`s gone in the sea water. I just left my bike and back to hotel. I called locksmith to cut the wire-lock. It cost 95 dollars.     .... !!!!!!????           Life goes on....

This is a story of middle aged lady who was sitting next to me in the train. She was wearing slim fit one piece dress. She looked kinda pretty lady. As for my vision, I think she is the one who used to get a lot of attentions when she was young lol She smells like perfume and there was also something smell other than her perfume. It was alcohol. She had something wine on her one hand. And I saw her completely drunk. She started asking me "Where are you going?" "Where are you staying?" "What do you do?"... Every time she asked me something, I smelled big alcohol from her. Since I thought she was kinda pretty lady, I was a little disappointed (with the fact she was totally drunk in the train) lol  But anyways, she told me that she had some images of Japanese people. She said "Japanese people follow the rules". Well she still treated us with some respect even though she was drunk IN THE TRAIN lol 

btw I often see limousine like the photo in here. Why do people in the limousine shout to passersby? Every time I see it, they find me on the sidewalk and start to shout something at me from the window as if they are crazy people. I have come across this situation 3 times so far. I should celebrate them for something, right? But I dont know how, so I always wave to them and just say Yaaay... Do I look stupid?lol


Friday, July 25, 2014

Casual blog てきとうブログ

TV見てたら昔の映画がやってた。特にロッキー2とベストキッドは中学生の頃に見てめちゃくちゃ燃えたのを思い出した。「Yo Adrian! I did it!」 とか 「Mr Miya~gi」 とかの台詞が懐かしいなぁ。

I was watching old movies on TV show called throwback Thursday. I used to love ROCKY2 and KARATE KID when I was junior high. '' Yo Adrian, I did it!'' or Mr.Miyaaaagiiii'' just bring back memory.



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Japanglish Preacher  説教

今日はホテルのシャトルバスの運ちゃんが警備員と喧嘩したらい。機嫌が悪かったようで運転が荒くえらい目にあった。なのでホテルについてから一発ぶん殴っておいた 笑 それは嘘だけど、20秒くらい俺様のJapanglishで説教してやったわ。いやいや、マジ客なめんなよ。

Today, the shuttle bus driver from my hotel seemed he had argument with some security at the gate. So I saw him completely in bad mood. He also started to drive recklessly. That was not nice. I don't care your problem. So I just lectured him in my Japanglish for 20 seconds when we got back to the hotel lol But seriously, I might want to break his nose next time.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Food Network アメリカのTV番組 

アメリカのFood Networkという食べ物をテーマにした専門のTVチャンネル。いつみても何時間見ても飽きない。とにかくホストや出演者のキャラも最高で、演出がさすがアメリカといった感じ。US版の料理の鉄人Cutthroat KitchenChoppedなど番組も様々だけど、中でも超アメリカンテイストなDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesRestaurant Impossibleなんかはホストのキャラが強くて楽しすぎる。

Food Network

I just watch Food Network when I'm back in hotel room. I just love watching this show. I wish I could still watch this back in Japan...

ps:SORTEDfood reminds me of Food Network. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Gender equality 女性差別



In Japan, there is a movement toward gender equality. But I see that it's in a totally different situation from US where has better perspective of gender equality (IMO). I wouldn't give too much credit because everybody has their own reasons. But still it's the issue that we have to make better by following other country. I hope I'm not bullshitting...

The photo is the view from Coronado island(San Diego)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Not my fault とれないんだけど


I don't know how to pull out the cork properly. I don't have much opportunities to uncork because I don't drink alcohol. I use it only for cooking. So it's not my fault.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Japanglish あはははは  


Costco, we Japanese call it '' Kosutoko''. But in US, they call it '' Kosko'', right? Someone had a big trouble with my ''Kosutoko'' when I was asking about it. After this guy really tried to get what I meant, I realized that I was using Japanese-English. I should have realized it earlier...haha Sorry America!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014



I was just wondering if I'm using the word ''correspond'' properly. Can you correct me or maybe give me some suggestions for another example?

''I'm trying to correspond this chair to the chair in the photo.'' 

Is this understandable?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fight スト2実写版


I came across real fight. Of course I went to settle them completely and made everything all right. No I didn't.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Peter Rabbit うさぴょん♪


I came across wild rabbit on my way home today. I didn't know there is wild rabbit in the city in US. I saw squirrel many times when I was an exchange student in US before. I might want to see the little mermaid next time because the beach is close by. No thanks merman though....


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Asian in Western 欧米か




Today we had to walk to go back to the hotel after work. Because the shuttle bus never showed up. We called them twice but it never came. So when we were walking down the sidewalk, this guy originally from Korea pulled over to the side of the road.

「Hey, you guys from Japan, right? I'm your co-worker. Get in. 」

So he's kind enough to take us to the hotel even though we meet each other for the first time. I know it's just normal things in the US. It happens all the time. But in Japan, you don't really have this kinda opportunity unless you know them(they know you) a little better. It doesn't mean we don't want to. I think it's something to do with shy, hesitate, modest, reserved attitude or we just don't feel that free.... But interesting point is that we will be like this Korean guy if we live here in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do? But I think it's more like the air, atmosphere of each country can change people's attitude.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

XS Japanese ちっちゃい日本人

先日は滞在してるホテルの近くにあるアウトレットモールに行ってきた。日本にもよくあるタイプのごく普通の規模。でも品揃えは日本より全然豊富だった。値段も日本より安い。日本のアウトレット見かけるで商品は安いと感じたことがないのも事実ある 笑 日本にまだ来てない?GUESSがあったのでいろいろ買ってしまった。サイズはすべてXSがちょうどいいサイズだった。施設内を色々と2時間ほど物色して200ドルくらい使ってた。使った額はXSじゃないよね。反省した。

The other day, I went to outlet mall very closed to the hotel I'm staying. Just like typical outlet of those in Japan. But they definitely have a large selection comparing to Japan. Also cheaper. I never felt that it's a good deal when I shopped at outlet in Japan anyway lol I found GUESS which hasn't opened in Japan yet? maybe has already opened?, so I spent money there and all clothes I purchased were size XS which is the best size (from this brand) . I was on a shopping  for about 2 hours walking around the mall and spent over 200 dollars that is not amount of XS. I hope I'm sorry.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Joke ギャグかと思った


Weird shoe sole. I thought it's joke.  Hand size recipe book which contains all recipes that every man should know. I thought it's joke.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

World Best 4

vs vs

2 from South America
2 from EU


Chili, Costa Rica, Columbia, and also US team was really outstanding this time. None of Asian team did good. Neymar is still very young so he can do this again in Russia World Cup 2018. But it was pitiful...Go Brazil!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Nothing to lose 失うものなんてない


When you have to leave your house unlived in for a while, you keep your refrigerator as empty as possible. Maybe it'd even better to unplug it. But that's already frustrating for me. Anyways I might be able to upload something random other than cooking videos from the US. So until then, take care everyone.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

J-Girls Generation 熟女時代

Super Japanese Girls

Super Japanese Girls 2

Super Japanese Girls 3

Super Japanese Girls 4


The pride of Japan! Choose and click the best J-girls for free.




Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lucky me 得した気分

マンションのウォシュレット、シャワーの出があまりよくない。管理人に伝えてみた。え?丸ごと新品に交換してくれるってさ!ラッキーラッキー。そういえば昨年サンタモニカに行ったとき、お世話になった人にウォシュレットについて聞いたことがある。彼女は Interesting と Unusual という二つの言葉を用いて答えてたのを思い出した。やっぱりウォシュレットは面白い発想であり且つ奇妙に映る商品のようだ。やはり海外の家庭で浸透することはないかもね。

Shower toilet so called '' Washlet'' in my room, something was wrong. So I told superintendent about it. Sweet! He said that he would get me a new one! Speaking of Washlet, When I visited  Santa Monica last year, I asked someone who took good care of me what they think about Japanese Washlets. I just remembered that she used two words to answer  ''Interesting'' but ''Unusual''. So that's the impression Japanese Washlets leave to foreigners. I think it will still take time to permeate overseas market.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

All bets are off 番狂わせ


Italy and England both didn't make it to the final tournament. Also reigning champion Spain. And thanks to team Japan for the spirit.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Micky Mouse まるでやっつけ仕事



Unthoughtful/mindless words from a man who is supposed to be respectable grown-up. But the most shameful thing was that  all those studied lines of the apology at press conference. We brought our grosser aspects to the world. Now we know that we are so behind the times. Are we really going to let this be a warning to us? I don't think so...
Ironically, it's a good thing that it's covered widely in Japanese media before the government leave the issue up in the air. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Playing on words  語呂合わせ

                     2 9 1,  8 9 3
                                に  く  い、 ヤ  ク  ザ
                                                   ni ku i,   ya ku za

Nikui ・・・ Hateful
Yakuza ・・・ Mob, Mafia, Gangster


I am just a normal guy. I'm non-celebrity. Of course I am not Yakuza. Btw 291,893rd subscriber must be Jack. Few people know who he is now... 


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Professional   いい女優さんになった人


Today I was watching TV popular talk show called ''Oshare-ism''. They had an actress ''Rie Miyazawa'' as a guest. Speaking of her, I remember her date of birth is the same as mine. She doesn't really appear on TV any more. But she has become a good actress now. And the way she was wearing  the pierced earrings on the show was favorable impression. She was wearing it VERY naturally, not too dramatic. It was very nice to see her again.    


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Perseus vs Samurai ペルセウスとサムライの一騎打ち

 June 19th  7:00am   Japan time

    Greece  vs  Japan



Greece has to win to qualify. Japan has to win to qualify. And the two teams are almost dead even. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Limited time offer キャンペーン商品


This is Macdonald's Brazil burger for a limited time only while World Cup 2014. It was really good with BBQ sauce. I wish they would have it on standard menu. Do Macdonald's in your country  have any special burgers for the World Cup limited time only ?


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Nice days ジメジメってない


It's not so humid this summer. Wait, it has not still come yet? The weather has been a little more bearable than I expected. I haven't got much sweaty yet. I hope it doesn't mean that I'm slowing down my metabolism.


Monday, June 16, 2014

FIFA mid night 寝れない

6/17 1:00am Japan Time

  Germany       vs     Portugal  


Many Japanese girls love Cristiano Ronaldo from PORTUGAL will go against GERMANY tonight! 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Summer 冷やし中華はじめてた

              Hiyashi Chuka 冷やし中華

                             ↑   ↑

                      Click to watch the video recipe 


In Japan, Hiyashi Chuka is popular dish for summer. My recipe has Karaage with it. So it's more like for men's. Please try if the ingredients are available for you.    

Saturday, June 14, 2014

FIFAunday FIFAる朝

日本時間 6/15(日)
June 15th Japan time

 7:00am England vs Italy
                 イングランド vs イタリア
This definitely looks like a big match already!

10:00am  Côte d'Ivoire vs Japan

                       コートジボワール  vs 日本
And our first match!


Whre are you from? Are you going to watch the game? How big is World Cup soccer event in your country?


Friday, June 13, 2014

This is what I choose やっぱり君が好きだ

先日お気に入りだったビデオカメラが壊れた話をしたんだけど、結果こうなった 笑 

Do you remember I talked about my camcorder which I really liked has been broken? I knew this would happen lol

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Game ゲーム

ファミコン世代のrunnyでも次世代ゲーム機のゲームを楽しめてる。俺にだってまだまだできる。すんごい下手くそだけど 笑

I'm from the first Nintendo generation. But I can still enjoy playing next-generation games. Yes I can still keep up with it however I suck at it lol

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Good work, my friend おつかれさん


My camcorder that I've been using for about 4 years has almost died now. The audio has gone bananas and also recording button is half-broken. I really liked this camcorder but JVC don't make a new model of this. So I'm thinking of just buying used one of the same model these days. I know that'd be not-smart-shopping though.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nationalism   どうも、にわかです

                           2014 World Cup Brasil June 13 th ~ July 14th


Every Nationalism around the world go round when World Cup Soccer event. As for me, I honestly don't even watch J-league game. But I come into being nationalism if national Japan team play for Japan. This is what it's called new and fickle soccer fan.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Gizmo & Pigmon 元々は怪物


Gizmo (white) and Pigmon (brown) both lived a long life like 20 years. They both are in heaven now. As for the origin of their name, Gizmo is from the cute creature from the movie ''Glemlins''. And Pigmon is from the creature from Japanese TV series ''Ultra Seven'' I hope they were happy with the name LOL


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Invisible things 見えない


A lot of things that has been pain in the neck recently. I don't even know what it is. I just start to think of something I don't want to care when I get home. But I don't know what it is. What I do in the situation like that, I start cleaning up my room. But I don't know why I do it.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Folding umbrella 折り畳み傘


Folding umbrella is very popular item in Japan. Almost every each one of us have at least one. I used to have more than 10. But they all have been missing somewhere station in Tokyo. And I still have another two with me now. I hope I still have these two next year....

Rainy season 梅雨


here in Japan, it's rainy season. I already got soaked today. It's going to be hot and humid weather. I think I will get AIRism from UNIQLO. I put my trust on UNIQLO's inner-shirts. It works really good. oh I've seen a new UNIQLO store in Okachimachi. I think I'll stop by next time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

No I'm not きっと気のせいだ

最近頻繁に和菓子が欲しくなる。以前は洋菓子をより好んでたはずなのに。昨日も今日も和菓子が欲しくなった。美味いぞ美味いぞ 笑 悲しいかな、やっぱり年齢が関係してるのかと。

Japanese sweets '' Wagashi '' look so attractive to me recently. I used to be not like this. I thought I would prefer Western sweets '' Yogashi ''.  But I was craving for Wagashi yesterday and also tonight. So good! Sadly enough I can't deny that it's something to do with my age. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

My viewers' kitchen ep3 視聴者さんの台所 其の3

Pizza gyoza ピザ餃子

Miso Veggy plate 味噌野菜丼


KOKO from Twitter made runny's recipe again. I'm really glad your family enjoyed with it!

Friday, May 30, 2014

My viewers' kitchen ep2 視聴者さんの台所 其の2

This is made by one of my viewers ''Yukiko'' 
Matcha marble bread 抹茶マーブルパン


One of my viewers ''Yukiko'' made my matcha marble bread. She made it look better than mine lol oh well...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My viewers' kitchen ep1 視聴者さんの台所 其の1


KOKO from Twitter remade My rice burger which was uploaded Dec 2011. In this video, HIKAKIN as a requester was outstanding. I actually loved the intro by Hikakin. And also in the end, my viewers from all over the world shout out for HIKAKIN. I remembered how I enjoyed making this video with everyone. One of greatest memory in my YouTube activities.

こちらもTwitterからWidiastutyさんが2013年9月にアップした何でもいいから丼 を再現してくれました。このビデオでのリクエスターはKisaという特殊メイクを得意とする彼もまたYouTubeの動画配信者です。runnyの料理以上に彼のメイクが反響を呼んだ動画でもありました。こんな猫にもなっちゃいます。

Widiastuty also from Twitter remade my random plate which was uploaded on Sept 2013. In this video, Kisa as a requester actually got more reputation than my dish. Kisa also has his own channel. What he does is make-up. But not just make-up. Check out human cat.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The best Chocolate I've ever had so far 甘党上等かかってこい

いつものWerther's Originalの飴と思い購入したらチョコだった。やっちゃったと思いながらも一つ食べてみたら超美味い!なのでおすすめ。Godivaなんてどうでもいいくらい美味しい。あまりにも美味しかったのでブログった。見つけたら買ってみてね。これドイツ語?

I bought this candy like any other day. I thought it was just Werther's Original which I think it's caramel candy(hard type). But it was actually chocolate. But this one is so good! Get one everyone! ***k Godiva! It was too good for me to not to blog. btw are they written in German?


Monday, May 26, 2014

Back to cooking videos! 再始動!



I was taking a good care of myself from a hustle-bustle lifestyle. But it's time to shoot cooking videos again! I think I'm going to make videos as much as I can before leaving Japan next month. I plan to have one cooking video a week in the future. So my viewers, I can see you all at least on June!

It's 1 am already! Night!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Work, YouTube, and World Cup / 仕事とYouTubeとW杯と


と言っても・・・6月後半から数ヶ月はサンディエゴのカールスバッドという町へ。最近では山火事でニュースに取り上げられてたリゾートっぽい都市。そこに滞在している間に時間があればLAのサンタモニカでお世話になった人や友人を訪問したい。LAまでは距離的に車で2~3時間で行けるだろう。そいやLA、車と言えば・・・。LAのフリーウェイではスピード狂と化すドライバーが多いので、安全運転をしたいならLAでは運転しないほうがいい。短気な人は絶対にLAでは運転しないこと 笑



 I've reached a stage where I can take some rest. Now I can finally concentrate on making cooking videos on YouTube again!

But again... I'll be gone to Carlsbad, San Diego on business trip from the end of June. Carlsbad is where they've had forest fires recently. While staying there, I want to visit my friends and people who took a good care of me in Santa Monica.  I think it only takes a few hours drive from Carlsbad to L.A.  oh...L.A and cars....come to think of it....You'd better not drive in LA if you are safety-driver because there are many drivers who easily turn into speed freak especially on freeway. If you think you have short temper, forget driving in LA.

About my activities of YouTube while I'm away from Japan, I don't think I can make cooking videos. So I'm thinking of doing something else to share with my viewers. I'll keep you all informed.

One more thing I'm worrying is that I can't watch World Cup game from semi final to the final on TV. Soccer is not that popular in US as it is here in Japan or as in EU. I don't think it'll be live broadcast on TV in US.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Take it easy? F**k it 冗談ですやん


I still haven't been informed when and where will be destination for a business trip. Do your job quick and responsive. I never want to say such thing to my client. But when I'm placed in a stressful environment like this, I just want to break their nose... Is this typical Japanese bad habit or my bad habit?



Monday, April 7, 2014

National character 回転寿司ビジネスは海外で成り立つの?



 I went to SUSHIRO(one of the most famous conveyor belt sushi restaurant) the other day.
You know that the final bill is based on the number and type of plates of the consumed sushi.
But have you ever thought that you probably could cheat on it? You know what I mean....I just wonder if this kind of sushi restaurant business can work out in your country. It's something to do with your nationality. I'm not trying to be racist but I thought that not every country could have this style of restaurant because of a matter of difference in national character in every countries. It's just my random doubt...and come to think of it, we don't have custom of tipping here in Japan.

btw, ramen noodle at SUSHIRO was much better than I was expecting.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

runny + YouTube + ローラ





そんな夢を見ました・・・。ちなみにその夢に何故かローラが審査員としていました。彼女はrunnyに 「写真とか一緒に撮れないけどごめんね~!」 って言ってました。夢はめちゃくちゃだ。。。

I sang a song brightly! 

I Danced! 

And dived to a heavy layer of snow! 

Cameraman from YouTube crew did the shooting all those my actions.

Well... that's the dream I just saw... btw oddly enough, ローラ(Photo above) was there as a judge. She said to me '' I'm sorry but I can't take a picture together! ''.  Nonsensical dream...


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring color 春色


Shidare-sakura in Rikugien. It'd be more beautiful if the sky is clean blue. It's already started falling on the day I visited.


Someiyoshino view from my balcony. Blue car instead of blue


Original spring color PD head about 10 years ago.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Ellen Show!! アメリカの人気トーク番組に出演決定しました!



OMG everyone!! Big news today!! I'll be appearing as a featured guest on The Ellen Show on May!! Please check out!


Thursday, March 6, 2014


Q 下線に文字を入れなさい。

Q. What word would you put on underline?

Cooking ____ dog



Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cooking + blah-blah-blah TEST


So I just uploaded the video. I added blog part in it. I was actually wondering if I should do it. But I wanted to see how my viewers think if I add my blah-blah-blah in the end. So I decided to go for now. if I don't see anything better, All I need to do is just cut it out. So it's not risky at all. But I actually feel it was a kinda big action for me. Because those blah-blah-blah might cause disorganizing my cooking channel. So let's see for a little while.


Friday, February 7, 2014

..... sigh おいおい。。。



Where is my glasses? Where is my wallet? I was looking for them over 2 hours in my room. I felt so tired of keep looking for it. So I just sit down on the PC desk chair. Then I found the glasses on the desk. And the wallet was in my front pocket...

F***k me.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014


サンタモニカを経つ日の早朝にアメリカンな朝食を食べてから日本へ帰国しようと思い、以前から気になっていたCafe 50'sというレストランへ入った。朝から賑わうほどの人気っぷり。カウンター席へ座り注文を済ませ、何気なく店内を見渡すとレジの前に「現金のみ」 というサイン。その時は現金は所持しておらずクレジットカードで支払うつもりだった。注文した食事はすでに用意されていたのでウェイトレスのおばちゃんにこう事情を説明した。

runny : 「カードは使えないの?これから日本へ帰るのでドル現金は何も持ってないんです。ごめんなさい、食事には手を付けてないので注文キャンセルできますか?」


おばちゃん : 「日本へ帰るなら、長い時間飛行機に乗るんでしょ?お金はいいから食べていきなさい」

runny : 「え?マジですか?ありがとうございます!」


おっちゃん : 「お前、日本人なのか?息子が日本語少し話せるんだ。ほら、あそこにいるのが私の息子だ。紹介するよ」


runny : 「借もあることだし日本に来たら飯でも奢るよ」


おばちゃん : 「A ,RI, GA, TO 」



The day I left US, I went to the diners called Cafe 50's in Santa Monica for breakfast. I always wanted to try the restaurant since I found it. It was already full of people even in the morning. So I took a seat at the bar. I ordered something typical American breakfast plate (scrunbled egg, sausage, hashed potato and bread).  I was taking a casual look around the inside the restaurant. And I saw a sign that said ''Cash only''. I was going to pay with my credit card because I didn't have any cash at the moment. The breakfast plate was already ready so I had to talk to the waitress lady.

runny : '' Do you not take credit card? I don't have cash because I'm going to fly to Japan after this. I'm sorry, can I still cansel the order? I haven't touched my food yet ''

I was kinda trouble maker for the restaurant. But the lady was really nice.

Lady : OK you are going to have to fly long time to Japan, right? Don't worry about the money, enjoy your food ''

runny : '' Oh thank you ! ''

So I just took the hospitality like old-town-atmosphere. Then this guy who seems owner came to me and said

Owner :  ''Are you Japanese? My son speaks a little Japanese. See, he's my son.''

While I was enjoying the food, I found it was kinda interesting development. After I finished the food,  I talked to his son and he told me with his broken Japanese that he would be an exchange student at University in Tokyo soon this year. I just told him my number and my YouTube account.

runny : '' I owe you food here, so let me get the next one when you come to Japan''

After we chatted, I wrote my appreciation voice on the napkin and gave it to the lady. And guess what? She said

Lady : '' A, RI, GA, TO '' (Thank you)

I kinda got warm feelings at that morning. Simple situation like this is what I believe it always become memorable.

And now I'm back in Japan.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thank you

約20年ぶりにアメリカに来て2ヶ月間滞在した。なかなか思うようにはいかない毎日で気負いもし、思い起こせば終始悩み続けながら活動していたなぁ。でも実際に体感したことは大きかったと思う。自分の中での一番大きな気持ちの変化は、実際に自分の料理を食べて美味しいと喜んでもらえることが純粋にうれしかった。Googleから約100名を招いたちょっとしたパーティーで料理を披露できる機会が運よく巡ってきたのね。普段はビデオを見てくれた視聴者さんからインターネットを通じて 「美味しそう!」、 「私も作ってみる!」 、「お前のビデオみて作ったら家族に大人気だったよ!」なんて色んな優しいコメントをもらったりすることでバーチャルな喜びを感じていたけど、それとは一味も二味も違う新鮮な感覚で喜べた気がする。帰国後も素人なら素人なりの料理にもっと磨きをかけてバーチャルでもリアルでもそれぞれの喜びを無限に感じていきたい。最後にそう気付かせてくれた。来てほんと良かった!また来るぜ~!

I stayed here in US for 2 months for the first time in 20 years. It was not easy going every day and it even made me feel inferior sometimes. Come to think of it, I was staying here with those struggling from the beginning. But I know that everything was a great opportunities for me as well. The biggest thing I found in my mind is that I was purely glad to see people who could actually taste my foods and I could see them really enjoying it. I got this opportunity which I had to make some foods for 100 people from Google at some casual party. I usually get joy through the internet by getting the comments like ''looks yum!'', ''I'll make it'' , '' I made it and all my family loved it!'' from my viewers. But the joy I had at the party was a little different from the joy from the internet. It was more fresh and feel more reality. So after I go back to Japan, I'd love to have these both virtual and real joy up to infinity. Now I have very nice tip right before I go back to Japan. I'm so glad that I visited here! I'll definitely come back again! !

Monday, January 27, 2014

I've been shot 病んでんのか 笑


そんな今日はホームステイ先で料理を担当する。キッズ達の元気な笑顔を見るとなんだかホッとする。あれ?病んでんのか、俺 笑

I had strange dream this morning again. I've been having nightmare recently. In this dream, I met my friends and also non-existent friends(never knew in real) while I was biking in my hometown. After I left them, I was heading to my home and bike-gang (people dress like gang riding bike) passed me. They just blocked my way and suddenly this guy started shooting me with a machine gun. As soon as I was shot in my chest, I realized the gun was fake because it was BB bullet. BUT this is where the non-make-any-sense part begins. Because I felt that it was even against my will. I don't know why but I was disappointed and I kinda pissed off that it wasn't a real gun. So I grabbed him and now what?...boxing time begins....This guy couldn't get any punch on me. But I never throw any punch, either. This is when I realized that I was having a strange dream again. Then I woke up and washed my face in the bathroom and talked to thin air '' what the hell ''... Yeah dream is always strange, isn't it?

So today I will be a chef at my host family. I feel relieved when I see their kids' smile. hur? Am I really ok LOL

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sweets addiction 甘いの欲しい


Since when? I just get intense cravings for sweets like chocolate or cake at night . I know I have always been sweets lover but even more recently. If I was in Japan now, I would definitely gone to convenience store. But don't worry, I just had spoonful of Nutella. I still want more but I'd better not.

Friday, January 17, 2014

People who I should love more もっとわかれよ、俺

この数ヶ月で色々あって、色々考えたりしてたらいつの間にか色んな人にお世話になってた。人間なら誰にでもありがとうという気持ちが芽生えるものだと思う。ありがとうという気持ちを言葉で伝えることってできるのかなぁ?いや、普通にできるだろうが 笑 えっと、、、どうやってやんだっけ?

とまぁ、皆さんは今までそんな状況に陥ったことなかったですか?意味わからないって?ちょっと難しいか 笑

In the past a few months, a lot of things have happened and I've spent time to think.  In the process, I noticed that I've met many people who I really should '' THANK YOU '' only in the past a few months. I know we all have appreciation in our mind when we need to. So how can I really tell people my true-appreciation? I think i's easy to do, isn't it? But do I do it...?

Have you ever gotten yourself into this kind of situation? You don't really get what I'm trying to say, do you? Maybe it's just me lol

Monday, January 13, 2014

I respect all moms in the world お母さんしてる人


So I've been staying in someone's house in US for a month by now. I sometimes cook dinner for them. They are a family of four. So I have to prepare for 5 people (including me). I do cook myself when I'm in Japan, but not for 5 people. I usually cook for serving 2. What I always realize every time I cook for this lovely family is that it's not that easy for me to prepare for 5 people. It is different. It can be super difficult to prepare depending on what you cook for 4, 5, 6,.... people. But still some housewives do that every day. Well I just thought I had to give all housewives  credit for their hard-work. Respect.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cilantro and cilantro パクチー


Whenever I go to restaurant since I came to US, I almost always see cilantro on the dish. Cilantro has a little specific scent or flavor (to me). So I think not many people like it first they try. It's getting popular in Japan but not as much as here in US.... This is what I felt today.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

One more month

アメリカに来て1ヶ月が過ぎた。来てすぐにずっこけて二進も三進もブルドッグ状態に陥いり正直途方に暮れた。そんな状態でもできることやっておかないといつも見てくれてる視聴者の皆や、機会を与えてくれたTastemadeを裏切ることになってしまう。だから今はこの地でできることをできる限りやっておきたいのね。でも色々と苦しくなる時があるから上手くバランスをとりながら前に進むのが難しかったりする。この苦境を切り抜けたら良い事もあると信じてあげる事が自分にとって一番の「渇」になるのかな。後もう1ヶ月、がんばってなハゲ 笑

It's been a month since I came to the states. But I stuck in the mud as soon as I came. I was actually quite at a loss what to do. But even though I was in that kind of situation, I knew I still had something to do. I didn't want to disappoint my true viewers, and Tastemade that has actually given me this opportunity. So I've been trying to do what I can do as much as I can. But it's not always easy to proceed without keep the balance. I just need to believe that something good will happen after this rough times. Maybe it's the only one thing that cheers me up. One more month to go. Good Luck runny lol